1. New South Wales
  2. Bankstown

Stafford Electrical in Bankstown


Published: October 13 by Mr Peter

Stafford Electrical is your go-to local team of electricians. We are a professional electrical solution company that has supplied, installed, repaired, replaced, re-wired & restored hundreds of electrical work for residential, commercial, and industrial properties across Sydney New South Wales Australia. Whether you are looking to install a light, security system, home entertainment, telecomunication, solar, powerpoint, or need a complete house wiring, there is no task too big or too small for us. We deliver a trusted & reliable timely service backed by the highest degree of care & customer satisfaction. Our prices are competitive and our service is second to none! Our level 2 electricians are also friendly, knowledgeable, clean, efficient, licensed & insured. We will have you up and running in no time. - Electrician, Electrician Sydney, Electrician Bankstown - Brands: Electrician - Phone: 📞 0447 169 3...Call - Address: Arthur Street - Bankstown, New South Wales
Payment methods: Cash, Transfer, Eftpos, Card
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  • Martin said:
    The service is excellent and the products are of good quality but the prices are a bit expensive

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