1. Western Australia
  2. Victoria Park

Bolt Fitness a health and fitness centre that works with you on your fitness goals in Victoria Park

Published: October 2 by Bolt Fitness

Bolt Fitness is in Victoria Park, the health and fitness gym that you have been searching for and we are happy you've found us. We believe that having a strong neighboring environment makes our members feel comfortable when exercising, leaving you feeling like a healthier and fitter you.

at Bolt we run multiple sessions daily so there is no excuse for you to miss your workout.

throughout these sessions we have numerous coaches on the floor monitoring your technique, we encourage and support you in order to push yourself and test your limits to ensure you get the most out of your session and seeks the results you want. - Phone: 📞 04476150...Call - Address: 484, Albany Hwy - Victoria Park, Western Australia
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  • Martin said:
    The service is excellent and the products are of good quality but the prices are a bit expensive

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