1. New South Wales
  2. Sydney

Artarmon dentists in Sydney

Published: July 5 by Nick Mehta

Artarmon Dentists have been serving the Willoughby community for over 40 years.

providing ethical treatment of the highest standard, Dr Nick Mehta and Dr Radhika Bhatla pride themselves on personalised dental care with a strong family focus.
the highly experienced team at Artarmon Dentists offer a wide range of treatments, including:
*wisdom Tooth Extractions
*single Visit Crowns
*single Sitting Root Canal Treatment
*sleep Apnoea Treatments
*oral Hygiene

the Artarmon Dentists clinic is equipped with cutting edge technology. The in house Cerec Milling Machine, 3d Dental Ct scanners and phosphor plate Digital Radiography, provide patients with quick and cost effective treatment.
in addition to clinical dentistry the Doctors at Artarmon Dentists take the time to give important advice to patients to maintain optimum dental health in the long term.
hence the Artarmon Dentists motto…. Dental Care For You…for Life! - Dentist, Doctor, Medical, Artarmon Dentist, Artarmon Doctor, Artarmon Medical, Dentist in Artarmon. - Phone: 📞 02941242...Call - Address: 124a, Hampden Road, Artarmon Sydney, New South Wales
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  • Martin said:
    The service is excellent and the products are of good quality but the prices are a bit expensive

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